all postcodes in PR5 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR5 6AA 4 3 53.738178 -2.656526
PR5 6AD 4 0 53.719861 -2.637889
PR5 6AG 21 0 53.728902 -2.643118
PR5 6AH 48 0 53.72068 -2.657677
PR5 6AJ 1 1 53.71674 -2.653388
PR5 6EP 40 2 53.720957 -2.661288
PR5 6AN 20 2 53.721233 -2.636864
PR5 6AP 25 0 53.723175 -2.635105
PR5 6AQ 33 9 53.715787 -2.640024
PR5 6AR 1 1 53.716532 -2.64202
PR5 6AS 3 0 53.719187 -2.666004
PR5 6AT 1 0 53.708898 -2.668765
PR5 6AU 6 0 53.707672 -2.664564
PR5 6AW 12 10 53.719431 -2.63894
PR5 6AY 28 0 53.713639 -2.646689
PR5 6AZ 1 1 53.710079 -2.661603
PR5 6BA 2 2 53.72157 -2.670281
PR5 6BB 7 3 53.723788 -2.672287
PR5 6BD 1 0 53.718844 -2.669499
PR5 6BE 1 1 53.737848 -2.657673